WEBINAR IN ENGLISH - 190 EUR regular / 150 EUR reduced
The summer school was held from 19th to 23rd September 2022. We thank all attendees and lecturers for their participation and the interesting discussions.
Monday, 19th September - Friday, 23rd September 2022
The online course is aimed at master and PhD students, as well as early career scientists (postdocs and beyond) to familiarize themselves with the concepts and methods related to the analysis of stable isotopes in animal ecology.
Our course will be divided into three parts. (1) The introduction will cover the conceptual and theoretical background of using stable isotopes in different ecology-related research fields. The participants will have the opportunity (optional) to present and discuss their own projects and results with the experts and among peers. (2) The second part of the course will focus on the functionality of the mass spectrometers and their peripheries (e.g. Flash EA and TC/EA) together with different sample preparation techniques used in analysis of C, N and H stable isotopes. This part, originally designed as hands-on training, will be composed of live lectures and recorded videos of the laboratory-based activities. (3) The third part of the course will be devoted to the statistical analyses of stable isotope ratios. This will cover the use of multivariate statistics, the application R-packages designed for the study of food webs, trophic relationships (e.g. MixSIAR and SIBER) and geographic assignments (e.g. IsoriX). As a practical training, in this part, the students will have the opportunity to analyze their own data.
This course will be conducted online and in English.
Dieser Kurs findet online und in englischer Sprache statt.
by alphabetical order:
Alexandre Courtiol (Leibniz-IZW, Germany), Keith Hobson (Environment Canada & University of Western Ontario, Canada), Martin Kainz (WasserCluster Lunz, Austria), Stefania Milano (Leibniz-IZW, Germany), Seth Newsome (University of New Mexico, USA), Oliver Shipley (Beneath The Waves, USA), John Speakman (University of Aberdeen, UK), Thomas Tuetken (University of Mainz, Germany), Hannah Vander Zanden (University of Florida, USA), Christian Voigt (Leibniz-IZW, Germany), Len Wassenaar (WasserCluster Lunz, Austria), Roland Werner (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)
Time table:
Registration is no longer possible.
Event format & technical details:
The summer school will be delivered remotely with live lectures in Central European Time.
We will be using the video conferencing tool 'Zoom'. You will need a stable internet connection for your participation.
We highly suggest using a laptop/PC instead of a smart device to best follow along. For good audio transmission, we recommend the use of a headset to reduce background noise. If you do not have a microphone/headset, you may as well ask questions via the chat option.
Registered participants will receive the access link to the summer school a few days prior to the event.
In addition, the course will be recorded and will be available for registered participants for one week afterwards.
Cancellation policy:
If you have to cancel your registration, please send an email to akademie@izw-berlin.de. Please note that your cancellation is only valid after you received a confirmation of acceptance from us.
In case of cancellations until 5th September 2022, 80% of the registration fees will be refunded. After 5th September, no refund is possible.
Please direct questions related to the logistics and administration of the summer school to Dr. Stefania Milano at milano@izw-berlin.de or to Josepha Prügel at akademie@izw-berlin.de. In case of other questions, you may also contact Dr. Christian Voigt at voigt@izw-berlin.de.
If you would like to receive regular updates about upcoming events organised by the Leibniz-IZW, you may register for our newsletter at akademie@izw-berlin.de.